Judicial ethics
BC Provincial Court judges and judicial justices are expected to behave ethically, both in and out of court. The Court has adopted guidelines to help them with ethical and professional issues. The guidelines also help the public understand these issues.
Ethical Principles for Judges
Under the Provincial Court Act, the BC Judicial Council is responsible for preparing a code of ethics for Provincial Court judges. Since 1976, the Provincial Court has had a code of ethics. In 2022, the BC Judicial Council adopted the Ethical Principles for Judges published by the CJC in 2021 as guidelines for Provincial Court judges and judicial justices, except for its commentary on “Post-Judicial Careers” in section 5.E.2 that restricts the types of activities a judge can engage in if they leave the Court and work as a lawyer.
The Ethical Principles for Judges discusses the ethical conduct that all judges aspire to in the areas of judicial independence, integrity and respect, diligence and competence, equality and impartiality.
Ethical guidelines for judicial case managers and justices of the peace
Judicial Council has also approved guidelines for the conduct of justices of the peace and judicial case managers.
Justice of the Peace code of ethics
Complaints about ethical issues
When complaints are made about a judicial officer’s conduct, the Chief Judge follows procedures set out in the Provincial Court Act to examine them and respond.
In keeping with its commitment to transparency, the Court publishes summaries of the results of complaints in its annual reports.
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