Informal Trial in Kamloops
An informal trial is like a regular trial, but the rules of evidence and court procedure are less formal and more relaxed. There is currently an informal trial pilot project in Kamloops.
Choosing an informal trial
Informal trials are voluntary. They are only used if all the parties in the case and the trial judge agree to it.
Each party must file the Consent to an Informal Trial Form at the court registry, usually within 2 weeks after the judge agrees to an informal trial.
Consent to an Informal Trial Form (Government of BC)
Preparing for an informal trial
Preparing the information you want the judge to consider and bringing it with you to your informal trial will give you the best chance to resolve your issues. Follow these steps:
How to Prepare for an Informal Trial: Guided checklist (Government of BC)
Where to get more help
For help preparing for an informal trial you can talk to:
Staff at the Family Justice Centre (250-828-4699, 150 Victoria Street, Kamloops) who can give legal information, answer questions about the trial process and help with your preparation
Staff at the Courthouse Library (250-828-4385, 455 Columbia Street, Kamloops) who can help research case law and help with printing, photocopying and organizing materials
Free lawyer at Family Duty Counsel (1-866-577-2525)
Family Law Advocate at Elizabeth Fry Legal Clinic (250-374-2119 or
It is a very good idea to talk to a lawyer about your case before the informal trial. A lawyer can assess your chances of success if your case goes to trial, tell you about additional evidence you will need, and suggest reasonable possibilities for settlement.
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