Social media terms of use
The Court uses social media to communicate with the public. It currently maintains accounts on X, LinkedIn and Instagram to share news and information as well as a Vimeo channel with videos related to the Court.
No legal advice
The information on social media is provided for your personal or educational use only. It is not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should consult a lawyer or a legal service agency. Any information provided by external parties about the Provincial Court’s procedures is not binding on the Provincial Court and may not reflect the procedures in all court locations.
No warranty
Your use of the information from social media is your responsibility. Information is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. The Court will not be responsible for any loss arising from reliance on this information or from any potential computer viruses or other harmful components on social media.
No endorsement
Content posted on the Court's social media platforms is provided by, and is the responsibility of, the users who create it. The Court does not endorse, support or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of content posted by users on its social media platforms.
The Court’s decision to “follow” or “subscribe” to another social media account or “re-tweet”, “like”, or “share” a post from another user does not imply an endorsement or ranking of that account, page, site, organization or its content.
Personal information
Personal information that you provide to the Court by social media may be collected to capture conversations (e.g. questions and answers, comments, “likes”, retweets) between you and the Court. It may be used to respond to inquiries, or for statistical, evaluation and reporting purposes.
Not official contact
Sending messages to the Court’s social media accounts will not be considered contacting the Court for any official purpose. To request information about a court matter or file documents on a court matter you must contact the court registry directly
The Court’s social media content may include, but is not limited to:
Notice of and links to decisions of interest.
Administrative announcements, practice directions, notices, policies, and changes to legislation, rules, or forms.
Announcements of judicial appointments and retirements.
Links to reports issued by and stories and information about the Court.
Information on access to the Court.
Media releases, announcements or statements.
Social media platforms are external to the Court. Users of the Court’s social media accounts are bound by the platform’s terms and conditions of use.
The Court is committed to treating everyone with courtesy and respect and relies on social media users to do this as well.
Deleting comments and muting, blocking, and reporting users
The Court reserves the right to delete comments, images or replies that:
Are offensive, rude or abusive to an individual, group or organization.
Are contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or could be in violation of Canadian law.
Infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of others.
Make serious, unproven or inaccurate accusations against individuals or organizations.
Are aggressive, coarse, violent, obscene or pornographic.
Are not sent by the author or are put forward for advertising purposes.
May encourage illegal activity, endanger the safety of any person, or harm the administration of justice.
Contain announcements from political organizations.
Contain personal information (for example, names, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers).
Are written in a language other than English or French.
Are unintelligible or irrelevant.
Are repetitive or spam.
The Court reserves the right to delete comments that violate this policy, and to mute, block and/or report the social media user responsible to prevent further inappropriate conduct.
Users’ acknowledgement
Users of the Court’s social media accounts acknowledge that:
Any information they provide on the Court's social media platforms will not be linked in any way to matters before the Court, except where required or authorised by law.
Anything they communicate on the Court's social media platforms will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary.
Content posted by the Provincial Court of British Columbia on its social media platforms is general in nature and must not be taken as advice relating to specific individual circumstances.
No liability
In administering its social media platforms, the Court:
Makes reasonable efforts to ensure inappropriate material is identified and moderated but the Court does not guarantee that all inappropriate material will be identified.
Accepts no legal liability arising from, or connected to, the publication of content, the failure to moderate content, or the use of (or reliance on) content by a user.
Does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage, however caused (including through negligence), which users may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with their use of the platforms, or any linked site or facility.
Will only use and disclose personal information posted, or otherwise communicated using the platforms, in the manner required or authorized by law.
Third party websites, content and advertising
The Court’s posts may display links for websites that are not within the Court’s control. These links are provided solely for the convenience of users.
The Court:
Is not responsible for the information found through these links or its accuracy.
Does not endorse or rank the sites or their content.
Makes no representation that the material on any linked website does not infringe the intellectual property rights, or any other rights, of any person.
Does not accept responsibility for the privacy practices or content of the social media platforms or websites it links to.
YouTube @provincialcourtofbritishco1381
X @BCProvCourt
LinkedIn Provincial Court of BC
Instagram @bcprovincialcourt
Podcasts on Legal Listening
Videos on Vimeo
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