Preparing financial documents
Judges must make decisions based only on the facts proven by the evidence presented at a trial or hearing. Evidence can include the Financial Statement (Form 4) that you file with your application, as well as other financial documents you want the judge to consider.
Financial statement (Form 4)
If your case includes child support<p><span lang="EN-US">The money one parent pays to another parent to help support the children if the parents do not live together. </span><span> </span></p> or spousal support<p><span lang="EN-US">Financial support paid to a former spouse under an agreement or court order. It used to be called maintenance and is sometimes called “alimony” outside BC.</span><span> </span></p> issues, you need to fill out and file a financial statement using Form 4 before coming to court. Form 4 gives details about your income and financial circumstances. It is important to provide complete, true and up-to-date information.
Form 4 asks you to provide financial information for each of the three most recent taxation years. Be sure to include full copies of all the attachments the form requires.
The form includes tips on filling it out and Legal Aid's Family Law website has a helpful guide.
Guide to filling out Form 4 (Family Law in BC)
Financial documents
You must bring any documents that have not already been filed with you to court for your hearing or trial. Bring the original document plus three copies (four sets in total).
When you talk about the document during the trial or hearing you will hand two copies to the court clerk<p><span lang="EN-US">A Court Services Branch employee who helps the judge inside the court room. Some of their responsibilities include recording the court proceedings, marking and recording the list of exhibits and swearing in witnesses.</span><span> </span></p> (one to be made evidence and marked as an exhibit and one for the judge to use), keep one copy for yourself and give one to the other party. Bring one additional copy if there is a lawyer for a child.
It is helpful to give the other parties copies of your documents at least a few days before the trial. This avoids having the trial delayed to give them time to review your documents.
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