Participating in person
It is important to participate in all court proceedings in a respectful way since that will assist the Court in carrying out its work.
Information and directions for parties
Those participating in court cases in person are asked to:
Arrive early
Go into the courtroom when it opens and stay there until your case or name is called. If the courtroom is full, wait right outside so you will hear your name called and can respond quickly
Go to the front of the courtroom when your case is called and then introduce yourself
During the hearing, stand when you speak, when the judge speaks to you and when the judge enters or leaves the courtroom
Never give a document or an exhibit directly to a witness or the judge. Instead, tell the person you would like them to look at it and pass it to the court clerk<p><span lang="EN-US">A Court Services Branch employee who helps the judge inside the court room. Some of their responsibilities include recording the court proceedings, marking and recording the list of exhibits and swearing in witnesses.</span><span> </span></p>
Call the judge "Your Honour"
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