Bail hearing results

Bail hearing results

A bail<p><span lang="EN-US">An order made by a judicial justice or a judge releasing an accused person from jail until their trial and requiring them to obey certain conditions (rules) and return to court on a specific date. The legal term for bail is “judicial interim release”.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> hearing is a court hearing where a judicial justice or a judge decides if an accused will be released from jail until their trial. Bail hearing results are posted online in different ways, depending on where and when the hearing was held.

Weekday bail hearings during court hours 

Judges conduct weekday bail hearings in court locations around the province. You will find the results of these bail hearings on the "Court lists" pages of the Government of BC's website 

To see the results of all court appearances in the last five days: 

  • Click "Adult Completed Court Lists (Provincial)" 

  • Click the court location where the bail hearing was held

Court lists (Government of BC)

Evening and weekend bail hearings 

Judicial justices work from the Justice Centre to conduct after-hours bail hearings. You can see the results of these hearings on Court Services Online. 

  • Click “Daily Court Lists” and “view Judicial Interim Release list”.  

  • This list only includes bail hearings held the day before that have not been entered on Court Services Online. (Tracking Sheets are scanned and posted daily, but not archived, so past Justice Centre tracking sheets are not available.) 

Court Services Online (Government of BC)

Understand the abbreviations   

The Judicial Interim Release (bail) lists use these abbreviations:  

RIC: Remand by consent 

REM: Remand 

OR: Recognizance no deposit or surety<p><span lang="EN-US">Someone who promises to pay money if an accused released on bail does not obey their bail conditions or fails to attend court.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> 

RWD: Recognizance with deposit 

RWS: Recognizance with surety 

RDS: Recognizance with deposit and surety 

DO: Detention order 

UTA: Undertaking to a justice or judge 


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