Notices, policies, practice directions
The Court publishes notices, policies and practice directions. These provide important information and directions about current court procedures and other court-related matters.
The Chief Judge issues Notices to inform the legal profession and the public about court-related information.
- Notice 01 Prosecution of Offences under the Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement: the prosecution of offences under Tsawwassen First Nation Law will be at the Richmond courthouse
- Notice 02 Form of Address for Judicial Justices: how to address a judicial justice
- Notice 03 Judicial Case Managers Assignment of Duties Pursuant to s. 11 of the Provincial Court Act: what judicial case managers do such as set dates and times for hearings
- Notice 05 Prosecution of Offences under the Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement: prosecution of offences under Maa-nulth First Nation Laws will be at the Campbell River or Port Alberni courthouses
- Notice 06 Assignment Court Lists: when Assignment Court starts in certain locations
- Notice 10 Recording of Proceedings Before Judicial Case Managers: proceedings before a judicial case manager in a courtroom will be recorded by the Court
- Notice 11 Use of a Support Person in Small Claims and Family Proceedings: bringing a support person to a small claims or family proceeding
- Notice 13 Prosecution of Offences under the Tla'amin Final Agreement: prosecution of offences under Tla’amin Nation Laws will be at the Powell River courthouse
- Notice 14 Court Services Justices of the Peace Assignment of Duties Pursuant to s. 11 of the Provincial Court Act: what Court Service Branch justices of the peace do such as issue summons and warrants of arrest
- Notice 16 Judicial Justices Assignment of Duties Pursuant to s. 11 of the Provincial Court Act: describes what judicial justices can do such as hear applications for bail and traffic violation matters
- Notice 18 Hearing Location of Domestic Violence Files Within Catchment of Downtown Community Court: hearing location of domestic violence files within the Downtown Community Court jurisdiction
- Notice 21 Remote Attendance in the Provincial Court: information about conduct when joining a hearing by telephone or video conference
- Notice 24 Form of Address for Parties and Lawyers: how parties should introduce themselves in court, including their name and pronouns
- Notice 28 Current Court Operations: including what kinds of court proceedings by default happen in person, remotely, and in hybrid format
- Notice 31 Processing Outstanding Arrest Warrants for Accused with Existing Bail During Courthouse Registry Business Hours: what to do if a person has a warrant for their arrest from our court and they are out on bail
- Notice 32 Official of the Court Under Rule 62(G.1) of the Provincial Court Family Rules: who can request that information related to a person’s income, location or employer in certain federal information banks is located and disclosed
- Notice 33 Northern Virtual Bail Court Forensic Liaison Program: the process for referring an adult accused person appearing in custody from Prince George, Prince Rupert (effective November 12, 2024), Smithers and Terrace (effective January 13, 2025) sheriff cells or the Prince George Regional Correctional Centre into the Northern Virtual Bail Courtrooms to a Forensic Liaison and if requested by the Forensic Liaison, a Forensic Psychiatrist
Practice Directions
The Chief Judge issues practice directions to provide direction and guidance to court users on court procedures.
- CPD 1 Criminal Caseflow Management Rules Simplified Front End Criminal Process (2013): timeframes, scheduling and other information about criminal proceedings (see also CRIM 08)
- CRIM 01 Federal Tax Prosecutions: locations of federal tax prosecutions in the Vancouver and Fraser Regions (Lower Mainland)
- CRIM 02 Elections Under Section 536 Criminal Code of Canada: choosing how you want to be tried
- CRIM 03 Judicial Authorization Applications: process for obtaining a judicial authorization, like a search warrant
- CRIM 04 Scheduling of Continuations in Criminal Matters: rescheduling a criminal matter if it does not finish
- CRIM 05 Hearing of Bail Applications: when a judge will hear bail hearings in court, and when they may go to the Justice Centre instead
- CRIM 06 Prisoner Remands to East Kootenay Judicial District from Justice Centre: custody of prisoners in the East Kootenays remanded by the Justice Centre
- CRIM 08 Criminal Caseflow Management Rules Simplified Front End Process (2013) Forms and Procedure: describes forms and procedure related to the CCFM practice direction for criminal proceedings
- CRIM 09 Missing Person Act Applications: how police make an application under the Missing Persons Act
- CRIM 10 Introducing Evidence Containing High Potency Narcotics: procedure for introducing evidence that may contain high potency narcotics like fentanyl
- CRIM 11 Scheduling Conflicts between Provincial Court and the Supreme Court: what occurs if there are scheduling conflicts between a Provincial Court and a Supreme Court matter
- CRIM 12 Criminal Pre-Trial Conferences: process information for criminal pre-trial conferences, and when they are required
- CRIM 13 Initial Appearance Court: where a person charged with a crime may have their first court appearance
- CRIM 15 Electronic Distribution of Certain Criminal Reports to Defence Counsel of Record: secure file transfer of certain reports to defence counsel
- CRIM 16 Joint Hearing Criminal Case Management Orders Under s. 551.7 Criminal Code: making an application for a joint hearing in a criminal matter
- CRIM 17 Withdrawing as Counsel of Record in Criminal Matters: how a lawyer can withdraw as counsel of record in a criminal matter
- CRIM 18 Counsel Document Submission Protocol for Bail and Sentencing Hearings: the process for counsel to submit any documents for the Court to consider for a bail or sentencing hearing
- CRIM 19 Procedure for Applications to Vary or Revoke a Publication Ban under s. 486.51 of the Criminal Code: general procedure for applying under s. 486.51 of the Criminal Code to vary or revoke a publication ban made under s. 486.4 or 486.5 of the Code
- CRIM 20 Language of Accused: explanation of the form counsel may submit for the Court to consider if counsel has advised their client of their language rights under section 530 of the Criminal Code
- FAM 02 Searching a Registry File Rule 174 Provincial Court Family Rules: who can search a family court file, and when a reference to “a lawyer” searching a court file can include an articling student
- FAM 03 Scheduling of Continuations in Family Matters: rescheduling a hearing about a family law matter or child protection matter when it does not finish
- FAM 04 Procedural Protocol - Return Applications under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction: protocol for some child abduction matters where children are taken to another country from BC or from another country to BC
- FAM 05 Guardianship Applications When There is an Existing Order: changing a guardianship order regarding a child
- FAM 06 After-Hours Emergency Family Applications: information for lawyers bringing an emergency family application outside of court sitting hours
- FAM 09 Consent Adjournment (FLA/FMEA): information for lawyers to adjourn matters other than trials under the Family Law Act or the Family Maintenance Enforcement Act
- FAM 10 Electronic Signatures on Family Forms & Orders and Filing of Family Orders: using an electronic signature on a family law form or order
- FAM 11 Default Method of Attendance for Court Appearances Under the Provincial Court Family Rules: the default method of attending court for a family matter
- FAM 12 Default Method of Attendance for Court Appearances Under the Provincial Court (CFCSA) Rules and the Provincial Court (Snuw’uy’ulhtst tu Quw’utsun Mustimuhw u’ tu Shhw’a’luqwa’a’ i’ Smun’eem) [Laws of the Cowichan People for Families and Children] Rules: the default method for attending court for a child protection matter
- FAM 13 Affidavits & Exhibits for Use in Family Proceedings: direction that you should not include intimate images for a family law proceeding and information about the length and format of affidavits and exhibits
- SM CL 01 Proof of Service from Canada Post: proving that a person delivered a document in a small claims case
- SM CL 02 Default Method of Attendance for Court Appearances Under the Small Claims Rules: the default method of attending court for small claims proceedings
- SM CL 03 Affidavits & Exhibits and Documents for Settlement Conferences for Use in Small Claims Proceedings: direction that you should not include intimate images for a small claims proceeding and information about the length and format of affidavits and exhibits
- SM CL 04 Intimate Images Protection Act Procedural Requirements: procedural requirements for matters under the Intimate Images Protection Act
- SM CL 05 Scheduling of Continuations in Small Claims Matters: rescheduling a small claims matter if it does not finish
- GEN 01 Fax Filing Registries - Family and Small Claims: fax numbers for filing family and small claims documents
- GEN 02 Access to the Court for Lawyers and Articled Students Who Have a Disability: information about disability accommodation for lawyers and articled students
- GEN 03 Affidavits - Identification of Counsel or Commissioner: affidavit must name the person who authorized the document
- GEN 04 Subpoenas Requiring Opposing Counsel to Give Evidence: procedure to follow before a subpoena can be issued that requires opposing counsel to give evidence in a proceeding
- Gen 05 Non-Lawyers Appearing for Clients in Court: information about designated paralegals, certain non-lawyer agents, and proponents of the Law Society’s Innovation Sandbox appearing in court (if allowed by a judge)
The court issues policies that provide information about watching what happens in court, accessing court records and using electronic devices like computers and phones in courtrooms.
- ACC-0 Access Policies Introduction: why it is important for court proceedings to be open to the public and the media
- ACC-1 Access to Court Proceedings: when the public and media can access court proceedings (including remote proceedings) and information about conduct, use of computers and restrictions on photography and recording
- ACC-2 Access to Court Records: what types of court records can be accessed and how to access them (including audio recordings of proceedings)
- MED-1 Media Accreditation Policy: the process for media becoming accredited with the courts
- NM 01 Accredited Media Access to Court Proceedings and Court Records: how accredited media can access proceedings and court records
- BAN-1 Bans on Publication: publication ban information, including lists of some (not all) automatic, mandatory and discretionary bans
- Use of Electronic Devices in Courtrooms: shared by all BC courts with the rules and restrictions about using electronic devices (like computers and cell phones) in court
People may access information from court files or hear information when watching court proceedings that may be subject to a publication ban. This means they are prevented from publishing, transmitting or broadcasting that information.
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