Submit a media inquiry
The Chief Judge is the official spokesperson for the Court. Please use the Media Inquiry Form if you are requesting a statement from the Court. For other court information, please see the links below.
Quick answers
Notices, policies, practice directions
Media - information, resources, photos
Questions we cannot answer
Neither a judge nor the Court can comment on a decision. Judges provide reasons for their decisions in court. To comment later would interfere with the parties’ ability to rely on a decision as final.
Getting case information
Court Services Online (Government of BC)
Daily Court List: Criminal (Government of BC)
Daily Court List: Small Claims (Government of BC)
Contact the court registry where the matter was heard (Government of BC)
Finding judgments
Order transcripts of oral judgments
We encourage members of the media to include links to judges' written reasons in their reports when there is a published judgment.
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