Getting ready for small claims court

Getting ready for small claims court

Cases small claims court deals with  

Whether you can bring a case to the BC Provincial Court's small claims court depends on the subject of your claim and its dollar value. 

Small claims court can deal with cases involving: 

  • Debt 

  • Damages (money to compensate for loss or injury) 

  • Recovery of personal property or opposing claims to personal property 

  • Performance of agreements about personal property or services 

Information about claims that small claims court cannot deal with

Getting started 

You begin a small claims lawsuit by filing a Notice of Claim<p>The form used to begin a case in small claims court. It explains who the claimant is, who they are suing, what happened, and what they are asking for.</p> form in a BC Provincial Court registry and delivering it to the defendant. In the form, you describe what happened and state the amount you're suing for.   

If you receive a Notice of Claim in BC you must file a Reply form in the court registry within 14 days. In it, you may agree to pay the amount claimed, agree to pay part of it, or oppose (disagree with) all or part of the claim. 

Court Services Branch does not provide interpreters for small claims cases. 

Small claims court fees (Government of BC) 

Preparing your case (Small Claims BC)


Next steps

You can make a reasonable offer to settle and file it with the Court. If the other party doesn't accept it, in some cases, the judge may impose a penalty on the party who refused the offer. 

If the matter is not settled, the next step in the court process is to attend a settlement conference.  


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