Kelowna Integrated Court
Kelowna Integrated Court (KIC) was established in 2021 to deal with offenders (called "clients") who are struggling with substance abuse issues, living with mental health issues including brain injuries, and/or experiencing homelessness and engaging in criminal behaviour.
Scheduling and location
Kelowna Integrated Court schedule
- Improving access to health, social, and economic services for the offenders it deals with
- Improving public safety by helping offenders avoid criminal behaviour in the future
- Holding offenders accountable for their actions in a timely manner
KIC takes an integrated approach to responding to a person’s criminal behaviour when they are willing to accept responsibility for their offence. Individuals get help to address the underlying or root causes of their offending behaviour.
KIC is not a trial court. It conducts bail<p><span lang="EN-US">An order made by a judicial justice or a judge releasing an accused person from jail until their trial and requiring them to obey certain conditions (rules) and return to court on a specific date. The legal term for bail is “judicial interim release”.</span><span> </span></p> and sentencing hearings with follow-up support and enforcement for people who wish to plead guilty<p><span lang="EN-US">When a person admits (pleads guilty) or is found by the judge or judicial justice (found guilty) to have committed the crimes they are charged with.</span><span> </span></p> to criminal charges. Agencies with knowledge of a client meet with Crown counsel<p>Independent lawyers with the federal or provincial prosecution service. Crown counsel do not represent the government, police or victim of crime. Rather, they perform their function on behalf of the public. Crown counsel may also be referred to as Crown, Crown prosecutors or prosecutors.</p>, the defence lawyer and a probation officer<p><span lang="EN-US">A person who provides supervision, services and support to help offenders address the underlying causes of their criminal behaviour and avoid re-offending.</span><span> </span></p> before court to share information about the client’s needs and the resources available to address them. Crown counsel and the defence lawyer present this information to the judge at a sentencing hearing<p><span lang="EN-US">A court hearing where a judge hears submissions from prosecution and defence lawyers about how the offender should be sentenced.</span><span> </span></p> to help the judge impose an appropriate sentence<p><span lang="EN-US">A court order setting out the consequences of being convicted of a crime. Sentences may include fines, community supervision or jail. </span><span> </span></p>. Sentences imposed often include:
Support and supervision in the community
Requirements to engage with community services
Requirements to attend court for progress hearings where a probation officer reports the client’s progress to the judge, who can change the sentence order to reflect the client's progress or additional needs
Jail sentences are also possible.
Whenever possible, the same judge, Crown counsel, probation officer and care agency staff work in KIC to provide consistency and follow-up.
Community partners and support
A variety of government and community organizations provide support and supervision for clients bound by KIC’s bail or sentencing orders to help them lead healthier, more stable lives.
The services integrated with KIC:
Support sentenced offenders to make rehabilitation more likely
Closely monitor offenders’ compliance with community supervision orders
Ensure community supervision orders continue to address an offender’s circumstances as they change
Talk to your lawyer or duty counsel<p><span lang="EN-US">A lawyer paid by Legal Aid BC who can provide free legal advice and representation at a first court appearance and at a bail hearing, but not usually at trial.</span><span> </span></p> about whether you qualify for Kelowna Integrated Court. They can speak to Crown counsel for you. Crown counsel must agree to your participation in KIC. Some eligibility requirements are that an offender must:
Wish to plead guilty
Be connected to an agency working with KIC or qualify to be connected
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