Justice of the peace applications

Justice of the peace applications

Justices of the peace (JP) are hired through a competitive process under the Public Service Act. If successful through that process, they must then apply to Judicial Council to be recommended for appointment as a JP by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.   

If you have been hired by Court Services Branch or by the judiciary as a Judicial Case Manager, below is information about applying for a JP commission.


Accordion details

Judicial Council is prepared to consider the application of an applicant involved in a civil claim or proceeding if, after receipt and review of the details of the claim or proceeding, Council is of the opinion that the nature of the claim or proceeding does not reflect on the applicant’s fitness for appointment to judicial office. Civil claims would include if you foresee commencing or defending any litigation in the foreseeable future, such as if you have received or issued a demand letter or you otherwise know of a possible claim against you, or if you are aware of a possible claim that you have against another party. 

Accordion details

You will be asked if you have ever been a party or witness in any type of tribunal or court proceeding and, if so, to provide the tribunal/court file number(s), registry(ies) and case citation(s), if available.  

Accordion details

Applicants must inform Judicial Council of any outstanding civil judgments or arrears<p><span lang="EN-US">Payments that are required by an agreement or a court order but not paid. Often used in family court to describe payments not made for child or spousal support. Also used in small claims court for payments required by a payment order that are not made.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> in family support payments, and any past or present proposals to creditors or assignments in bankruptcy. You will also be asked if there is anything in your past or present, including disciplinary letters or disciplinary actions from the workplace, that could reasonably reflect negatively on you or the reputation of the Court.  

Accordion details

A criminal record<p><span lang="EN-US">A list of a person’s convictions for criminal offences and the sentences they received. Criminal records are kept in central computer systems most police agencies across Canada can access.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p>, driving record and credit check will be reviewed. 

Accordion details

Applicants are not reimbursed for any expenses incurred in connection with the application. 

After receiving a job offer that requires a JP commission 

Accordion details

A court manager contacts the Justice of the Peace (JP<p><span lang="EN-US">Justice of the peace</span></p>) Administrator at the Office of the Chief Judge when their court location requires a Court Services Justice of the Peace appointment. 

The candidate submits an online application to the Judicial Council for appointment as a JP. When the application is received, the JP Administrator at the Office of the Chief Judge reviews it and obtains reference letters, a criminal record check, a credit history and a driving record.

Accordion details

An applicant must promptly report any changes to their application to Judicial Council, including but not limited to personal suitability information, such as financial, health/medical and if no longer seeking appointment. Failure to report changes may disqualify an applicant from consideration for appointment.  

Accordion details

The Regional Administrative Judge in the relevant region interviews the candidate. The applicant must successfully complete the JP basic training course and the final examination. The Judicial Council then considers the complete application and forwards the names of recommended applicants to the Attorney General for consideration for appointment by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (the Lieutenant Governor acting on the advice of the provincial Cabinet). 


The application form must be completed online.

Complete your application  

Once your application is received, you will be sent an email from Judicial Council’s background check provider with a link and access code to the eConsent forms. Please submit these forms in order to complete the background screening process. If for any reason the process cannot be successfully completed online, you will be notified and given instructions on how to submit your identification through a Notary Public or local Canada Post office. 


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