Circuit courts
Provincial Court judges preside in more than 80 locations around the province. Where there is not a full-time court, judges and court teams travel to the community to hold court. These sittings are called circuit courts because the court party sometimes travels a circuit, holding court in several communities during a week.
Communities served by circuit courts include:
Bella Bella and Klemtu
Massett and Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii
Atlin, Good Hope Lake, and Lower Post
Kwadacha and Tsay Keh Dene
Dease Lake and Stewart
Anahim Lake
Bella Coola
Judges are assigned to a circuit court for several years so they can get to know the communities and provide consistent decision making.
In each of the Court's administrative regions, judges, court staff and lawyers also travel regularly to smaller communities where the Court doesn’t sit full-time, including Port Hardy, Powell River, Pemberton, Princeton, Alexis Creek, McBride, Merritt, Invermere and many others.
Circuit court schedules and contact information
Find circuit court schedules and contact information on the court locations page by looking up the circuit court location.
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