Downtown community court

The Downtown Community Court (DCC) is a criminal bail<p><span lang="EN-US">An order made by a judicial justice or a judge releasing an accused person from jail until their trial and requiring them to obey certain conditions (rules) and return to court on a specific date. The legal term for bail is “judicial interim release”.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> and sentencing court in which teams of professionals work with accused persons who are living with alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder or mental illness or who are experiencing homelessness or poverty. 

Scheduling and location

Downtown Community Court schedule 

Goals and history

DCC’s goals include reducing crime and improving public safety by: 

  • Providing sanctions, interventions, and integrated justice, health, and social services to offenders in a timely manner 

  • Fostering a sense of responsibility in offenders and holding them accountable for their actions 

In 2005, a Street Crimes Working Group was created in Vancouver. It included judges, lawyers, police, Community Corrections, Forensic Psychiatric Services, Vancouver Coastal Health and the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Its goal was to find better ways to respond to repeated, low level crime seen in the court system. It recommended creating a community-based court with wrap around services in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. 

The Court then worked with the provincial government, social and health service agencies and the community to create Canada’s first community court, which opened in 2008.   

The DCC has a courtroom, offices and meeting and program space in a renovated jail at 211 Gore Avenue in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. 


The DCC takes a problem-solving approach, addressing offenders' needs, circumstances and the underlying causes of their criminal behaviour. Judges often place DCC participants on bail orders or sentences with intensive supervision and conditions designed to address these underlying causes. However, the judge may impose a jail sentence<p><span lang="EN-US">A court order setting out the consequences of being convicted of a crime. Sentences may include fines, community supervision or jail.&nbsp;</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p>. 

A Case Management Team also offers hands-on help to the most vulnerable clients. Teams include the DCC coordinator, Crown counsel<p>Independent lawyers with the federal or provincial prosecution service. Crown counsel do not represent the government, police or victim of crime. Rather, they perform their function on behalf of the public. Crown counsel may also be referred to as Crown, Crown prosecutors or prosecutors.</p>, defence lawyers, police officers, sheriffs, court clerks, probation<p><span lang="EN-US">Being supervised in the community and following certain rules (conditions) as part of a sentence.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> officers, Native Courtworkers, a psychiatrist and other health and social service agencies located in or near the DCC. A mental health team provides supervision with early intervention for people needing it. For example, these teams may offer clients needing substance abuse treatment help with housing, mental and physical health care, Indigenous supports, income assistance, and access to other programs. DCC also relies on relationships with residents and businesses in the community to create unique solutions to complex problems. 

Participants repay the community through community service in DCC’s Alternative Measures Program. 

Judges are assigned to DCC for several years to provide continuity. Crown counsel are also assigned to DCC for extended periods. 

Community partners

DCC depends on partnerships. It works in collaboration with more than a dozen outside agencies and has forged new co-operative relationships both within the justice system and with health and social service agencies, community organizations, area residents, merchants, the faith community and schools. 

Some of DCC’s current and previous partnerships include: 

  • Art Therapy Drop-in Studio operated by Adler University 

  • UBC’s Dental Hygiene program 

  • Music Therapy Studio operated by Capilano University Music Therapy Students 

  • Facilitated "Understanding Anger" and "Conflict Resolution" programs 

  • Elizabeth Fry "Crime and Consequences" program 

  • "Write-On" provides space for clients to practice writing, both creative and journaling, and get help with apology letters to victims of crime 

  • "Community Kitchen", a popular program with clients, co-facilitated with DCC staff 

  • "Eastside Works", an inclusive lower-barrier employment agency 


Crown counsel screen people who ask to plead guilty<p><span lang="EN-US">When a person admits (pleads guilty) or is found by the judge or judicial justice (found guilty) to have committed the crimes they are charged with.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> to charges in DCC. If you want to plead guilty and are ready to work with the DCC teams, speak to your lawyer or duty counsel<p><span lang="EN-US">A lawyer paid by Legal Aid BC who can provide free legal advice and representation at a first court appearance and at a bail hearing, but not usually at trial.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> about whether you qualify for DCC. They can speak to the Crown counsel for you. 


Evaluations of the DCC have shown a significant decrease in re-offending for offenders who engage in DCC’s integrated Case Management and Mental Health Programs, and significant improvement in participants’ housing and attachment to community services. 

Examining the Impact of Case Management in Vancouver’s Downtown Community Court (2014)


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