

49.170745518379, -121.9538346


46085 Yale Road
Chilliwack BC V2P 2L8

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The Provincial Court registry counter is open to the public at this location from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, except for statutory holidays.

Contact and schedule

Image of Chilliwack courthouse
(Photo credit: John Deacon Q.C.)
Court registry

Contact for specific information about a court case.

Use the contact details provided on the Government website for specific information about a court case.

Judicial Case Manager

Only contact for matters related to scheduling cases.

Please note: Days may change during a week where there is a statutory holiday.

Accordion details


Courtroom: 204

Monday and Tuesday at 9:30 am and 2 pm

JCM<p>Judicial case manager</p>/IAR<p>See Initial Appearance Room</p> court

Courtroom: 200

Tuesday and Friday at 9 am

Accordion details

Remand and subsequent appearances

Courtroom: 204

First and third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am

Accordion details


Courtroom: 204

Second and fourth Wednesday of each month and fifth when there is one at 9:30am for CFCSA<p>Child, Family and Community Services Act is the Provincial law addressing child protection matters in BC.</p>/BCB and 2 pm for FLA<p>See Family Law Act</p>

Third Wednesday of each month at 2 pm for FMEP<p>Family Maintenance Enforcement Program. Renamed to BC Family Maintenance Agency. See BC Family Maintenance Agency</p>

Accordion details

Courtroom 204

1st Wednesday of the month at 2pm 

Accordion details

Mixed lists - Trials

Courtroom: 203, 204, 205

Monday to Friday at 9:30am and 2 pm

Accordion details

Courtroom: Abbotsford Court 204

Virtual Bail<p><span lang="EN-US">An order made by a judicial justice or a judge releasing an accused person from jail until their trial and requiring them to obey certain conditions (rules) and return to court on a specific date. The legal term for bail is “judicial interim release”.</span><span>&nbsp;</span></p> Hub Monday- Friday

Accordion details

Courtroom 204

Adult - Monday / Tuesday  

Youth - Wednesday


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