
49.5100416186, -115.76598415


102 - 11th Avenue South
Cranbrook BC V1C 2P3

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The Provincial Court registry counter is open to the public at this location from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, except for statutory holidays.

Contact and schedule

Cranbrook Courthouse
(Photo credit: Jeanne Brock)
Court registry

Contact for specific information about a court case.

Use the contact details provided on the Government website for specific information about a court case.

Judicial Case Manager

Only contact for matters related to scheduling cases.

Please note: Days may change during a week where there is a statutory holiday.

Accordion details


Courtroom: 143

Alternate Mondays at 9:30am MST

JCM<p>Judicial case manager</p>/IAR<p>See Initial Appearance Room</p> court

Courtroom: 122

Alternate Mondays at 9 am MST

Accordion details


Courtroom: 143

Alternate Wednesdays at 9:30 am MST

Accordion details

Mixed lists - Trials

Courtroom: 143, 122

Various days at 9:30 am MST

Accordion details

January 6, 20 

February 3, 18  

March 3, 17, 31

April 14, 28

May 12, 26

June 9, 23

July 7, 21

August 5, 18 

September 2, 15, 29 

October 14, 27 

November 10, 24

December 8, 22

Accordion details

January 8, 22

February 5, 19 

March 5, 19 

April 2, 16, 30

May 14, 28

June 11, 25 

July 9, 23 

August 6, 20 

September 3, 17 

October 1, 15, 29 

November 12, 26

December 10, 23


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