51.29736256982, -116.9628717
Contact and schedule

Court registry
Contact for specific information about a court case.
(250) 344-7581
For scheduling related inquiries, contact the Cranbrook Judicial Case Manager
Use the contact details provided on the Government website for specific information about a court case.
Judicial Case Manager
Only contact for matters related to scheduling cases.
For scheduling related inquiries, contact the Cranbrook Judicial Case Manager
(250) 426-1615
The Golden courthouse was damaged by fire.
Temporary Court Registry Address: 1104 9th Street South, Golden, BC
Temporary hearings location: Golden Civic Centre, 806 10th Ave S, Golden BC
Note: Golden observes Mountain Time, which is one hour ahead of the Pacific Time Zone (observed throughout the rest of BC)
Accordion details
January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 6
June 3
July 3, 29
Aug 26
September 23
October 21
November 18
December 16
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