55.338478182696, -123.09621155262
Contact and schedule

Court registry
Contact for specific information about a court case.
Use the contact details provided on the Government website for specific information about a court case.
Judicial Case Manager
Only contact for matters related to scheduling cases.
Prince George Judicial Case Manager
Please note: Scheduled court dates may change; these dates should be confirmed with the Judicial Case Manager.
Accordion details
**Fridays only for trials, etc. booked by the JCM<p>Judicial case manager</p>;
*Thursdays – Mixed remand to be used for FA’s, police releases, etc.
**January 30, 31 both trial days only*
February 13*, 14
April 9, 10*
May 15*, 16
June 19*, 20
August 14*, 15
September 11*, 12
October 23*, 24
December 11*, 12
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