Can you believe it? eNews is ten years old!

The BC Provincial Court's ground-breaking eNews blog is ten years old this month!
In January 2015, the Court announced it had begun posting short, informal articles on its website. A new step for a Canadian court, their purpose was to share information about the Court’s work, judicial officers’ activities, and the justice system that people weren’t learning anywhere else. And the fresh content would keep the Court’s recently updated website active and interesting.
Written in a conversational style unlike traditional court communications, eNews articles were posted weekly for the first three years, and then usually bi-weekly, with exceptions for “breaking news”. By a rough estimate, the Court has published about 350 eNews articles in the last decade. Their varied topics included judges on horseback and driving a Zamboni, accounts of circuit court travels to remote communities, and explanations of court traditions and procedures.
It’s been a collaborative effort. Ann Rounthwaite, a senior judge when the articles began, (since retired and serving as the Court’s Digital Communications Co-ordinator), undertook to write and/or edit the articles. But the enthusiastic support of judges, judicial justices, Integrated Judicial Services staff and judicial interns has been an essential ingredient to the success of eNews. Many have contributed articles, suggested topics, agreed to be interviewed, provided information and photos, or reviewed drafts, as have representatives of groups working in the justice system.
The results have been satisfying. Readership grew exponentially as the number of articles on the Court’s website increased. There were a whopping 171,928 page views of eNews articles in 2023. Feedback and website analytics indicate that teachers regularly refer students to articles like those on the history and meaning of oaths and judges’ robes.
eNews articles have generated stories in online and print media within BC and nationally. They have also received attention from around the world. For example, “The Rule of Law and why it matters” was quoted in The Eurasia Review in an article about African states last year. The excerpt quoted explained how the movie "My Cousin Vinnie" depicts the Rule of Law.

In 2018, the eNews "Do Canadian judges use gavels?" lamented the misleading use of gavel images to illustrate media stories about Canadian court proceedings. (It's misleading because Canadian judges don't use gavels.) The Court offered alternatives by posting downloadable stock photos of courtrooms and judges' robes on its website. As a result, there has been a marked reduction in the number of gavels depicted in BC court stories.
Each year the Canadian Law Blogs Awards (“Clawbies”) recognize the best online legal information in the country. eNews was honoured in the “Best Blogs and Commentary” category in 2019 for its varied content and “surprisingly accessible, conversational tone”. It also formed part of the “Best Multi-Platform Presence” award the Court received in 2022.
"In the notoriously reserved world of courts, the Provincial Court of BC has long been a trailblazer when it comes to accessibility and transparency online. The Court has been doing a commendable job at proactively educating and interacting with British Columbians. … Content is created not just to educate, but to interest and engage.”
Canadian Law Blogs Award, 2022
With the launch of the Court’s new website, some of the most popular eNews articles have been converted to web pages, while articles more than two years old that are no longer current have been removed. The Court has published a redirect list including new URLs for the most viewed articles, and some are available as podcasts.
The Rule of Law and why it matters eNews podcast
Do Canadian judges use gavels? eNews podcast
Oaths and alternatives eNews podcast
Why do Canadian judges wear robes? eNews podcast
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