49.460077918567, -120.5081751
Contact and schedule
Court registry
Contact for specific information about a court case.
Penticton court registry
Use the contact details provided on the Government website for specific information about a court case.
Judicial Case Manager
Only contact for matters related to scheduling cases.
Penticton Court Judicial Case Manager
Contact for criminal matters only
Contact for civil matters only
Please note: Scheduled court dates may change; these dates should be confirmed with the Judicial Case Manager.
Accordion details
Commences at 10:00 am
January 11
February 08
March 14, 15
April 11
May 16
June 12, 13, 14
July 11
August 15
September 12, 13
October 10
September 12, 13
November 14, 15
December 12
Accordion details
January 16
February 13
March 13, 14
April 17
May 15
June 12, 13
July 24
August 14
September 11, 12
October 9
November 13, 14
December 11