Website terms of use

Website terms of use

No legal advice 

The information on this website is provided for your personal or educational use only. It is not legal advice. If you have a legal problem, you should consult a lawyer or a legal service agency.  

This website provides general information that may not reflect the procedures in all court locations. Statements on the website do not bind judges. They must decide cases based on the law and the facts of a case.  

No warranty

Your use of the information on this website is your responsibility. Although we try to keep the information on this site current and accurate, it is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. The Provincial Court will not be responsible for any loss arising from reliance on this information or from any potential computer viruses or other harmful components on this website. 

No endorsement 

We provide links from this website to other sites for your convenience. We do not endorse or rank these sites. We are not responsible for the information they provide or for the use you make of it. Some sites may have different privacy and reproduction policies. To find out, consult the information source directly. Some sites charge a fee for use. If you use these sites, you will be responsible for any fees charged.  

Copyright/permission to reproduce 

Materials on this website were produced and/or compiled by the Provincial Court to provide direct access to information about the Court. The Provincial Court is the copyright owner of the information unless otherwise stated.  

Provincial Court decisions and reasons for decision may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without further permission from the Court.  

The official version of written reasons for judgment is the signed original in the court file. If there is a question about the content of a judgment, the original of the judgment in the court file takes precedence. Copies of an original written judgment can be obtained by contacting the local court registry. There will be a photocopying charge.  

Photographs and videos may be copied or downloaded with credit given to "". Where this website identifies the photographer, the photo credit should be the photographer’s name followed by /  

Other information on the site is also available for use and may be reproduced, in whole or in part, and by any means, without charge or further permission from the court.  

In any use of website contents, the Court asks only that:  

  • Users exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy and currency of the materials reproduced;  

  • The Court be identified as the source; and  

  • The reproduction is not represented as an official version of the material reproduced, or as having been made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of the Provincial Court. 

When photographs or videos about the Court are reproduced on other websites, it does not imply that the Court endorses or is affiliated with that website or its owner.   

Commercial reproduction 

Reproduction of multiple copies of any material contained on this site, in whole or in part, for the purposes of commercial redistribution, is prohibited except with written permission.  

Through the permission granting process, the Court helps to ensure that individuals and organizations wishing to reproduce materials for commercial purposes have access to the most accurate, up-to-date versions. To obtain permission to reproduce materials on this site for commercial purposes, please contact Integrated Judicial Services using the Media Inquiry Form on this website.  

Privacy statement 

The Provincial Court respects the personal privacy of people who visit its website.  

The Provincial Court does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, or e-mail address, during your visit to this website. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, for example, by using the Media Inquiry or Complaint forms on the website.   

The Provincial Court uses data for analytics and measurement to understand how our services are used to improve the website. A variety of tools may be used to do this, including Google Analytics.  


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